Farrell & Norton Naval Architects - Quality Service for the Marine Industry
(2) 165' Mid-Water Trawlers

Project Description: The F/V Challenger and F/V Endeavour were converted from 108' scallopers. The vessels have been lengthened by 40', widened by 6', and had an entire foc'sle deck and new pilothouse added to them. Farrell and Norton completed the entire design package and the final conversion was accomplished at Eastern Shipbuilding in Pamama City, FL. The vessel are currently working out of Gloucester, MA as pair trawlers in the mackerel and herring fisheries. discountwatchesonline.com
Tom Farrell  \  PO Box 66  \  Newcastle, ME 04553  \  Phone: 207-563-3210  \  Fax: 401-679-0388
Garrett Norton  \  PO Box 803  \  Fairhaven, MA 02719  \  Phone: 508-990-0072  \  Fax: 508-990-0029
Copyright 2024 Farrell & Norton Naval Architects. All rights reserved.
Built by Big Room Studios